Saturday, November 2, 2013

Folk music

Folklore has an important place in the social life of every people, is the traditions and customs of a country.
Our country has a rich folklore and is more known in the central provinces, Los Santos, Herrera, Cocle, Veraguas.
Among the folkloric expressions of a people include: dresses, dances, customs, music, instruments, food, legends and crafts.

Traditional Music:
Country music, known locally as "folk music", is located mainly in the central provinces of Panama (Cocle, Herrera, Los Santos and Veraguas). It is mainly divided into four expressions of folklore: the cumbia, the tenth, marjoram and tamborito.

Tamborito Santeño. 

The tamborito is a dance-based singing clapping and drums seventeenth century. In the province of Los Santos is grown tamborito called santeño, more Spanish influence, with rich colors, beautiful choreography and measured pace.


This is danced with a group tamborito maximum of three figures : walk, three hits and back or rollover .

The walk is the time of deployment and grace and splendor to the woman, while the man woos her with gestures , genuflections , individual turns , etc. .

The woman ends the walk starting at the drums to a peal of these , man is placed on the left and follows it , both recede and advance a few steps back (greeting) to finally make the three hits along with the drum, turn around with a string starts in this delivery is made between the couple, both staring into the eyes turn a lap or two around a center , sometimes the man is almost static and is the woman who goes around him, she then hand back to walk, to repeat the dance or to retire and entering other dancers.

At times it can be one of the two being alone on the wheel, but not for long, then another dancer enters and continues the tamborito .

It is customary to begin the tamboritos with an invitation to one of the men makes the " cantalante " from there go to dance without fixed order , always a couple at a time.

La Cumbia

The Panamanian cumbia is a musical rhythm and isthmus folk dance Panamá.Surge musical syncretism of blacks from Africa, indigenous yespañoles (Andalusian and Galician) during the conquest and colonization. He is a recognized symbol of the Panamanian national folklore. It is mostly grown in the Azuero Peninsula and Veraguas Province. However, it is a musical genre spread over Panamanian geography resulting in the existence of a large number of variants ranging from the purely black influence, passing those with indigenous elements, to the predominantly European features .

Folk music

Folk music of Panama is the result of interbreeding that occurred between Spanish traditions, Indian and African.
Used as instruments: snare drum, drum bidder, the box, the churuca, the triangle is, accordion, female voice, chantey male voice.

The most popular dances are: the point, the atravesao and bullerengue. There are other dances as: the diablicos, the grandiablos, the Congos, the Cucuas, the bull, the columbine, dance Cuenecué or black muzzles and indigenous dances (besides being one of the most famous in Panama).

The Point 

The point includes in its melodic form and choreography. It has a composition created specifically for the dance , executed by one partner that boasts grace , precision and grace . It is of pure Spanish descent and is considered the dance and musical genre most beautiful and elegant of all the Isthmus of Panama .

Choreographic Basic Steps and Shaping
When you start dancing man should be leaning on the floor with your left knee on the floor and your right knee up and holding her hand to the woman . Woman walks , holding hands , the sound of drums around the man still holding her hand .
She returns to its original position and look at your partner with love , He stops, stands to its original position and looks at her with a flirt , they hope to change the drum to take three steps back and start dancing with the following steps described below are repeated in order, two or three times :

The Ride : The man and the lady described a wide circle as if each occupying the ends of a diameter.
The Zapateo : In which the dancers , face to face, this españolísima boast skill of a change of music running .
THE Escobillao : that widely separates the couple , as it often runs a backward movement ,
The Seguidilla : With whom are moved toward each other to rotate with much serenity and refinement at the center of the circle until instructed to change and start again Walk phase.

The Bullerengue

The bullerengue or bullarengue is a musical genre and dance from the Caribbean coast of Colombia and the Darien Province, Panama.

It is run mainly by the descendants of runaway slaves who inhabited the Palenque de San Basilio (Colombia), the Palenque Mamoní or Santiago del Principe and the Mandingo tribe of Kuna Yala (Panama), which extended to the historic Darien.
In Panama, the bullerengue or bullarengue is a music and dance genre itself of African descendants in the province of Darien, dating from the colonial era.

The Congos

The Congos is a culture, dance music genre and African colonial mainly concentrated in the Costa Arriba and Costa Abajo of Colon Province, Republic of Panama, which are characterized by violent and erotic expression to dance, and it almost always associated kind of mime and theatrical representation, whose infamous historical episodes themed black trade, slavery and the resulting black rebellions during the time of the conquest and colonialism. Also gender is considered the oldest drum dance of the Isthmus of Panama.

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